Chicago II (2012)

Left to right: Michael Geller, Jennifer Pope, Ian Manire, Michael Mabaquiao, Stacey Philliber, Brian Mork, Joel VanderWeeleChicago II (2012): The Fall 2012 studio picked up on and refined the 2011 studio’s analyses of existing and improved public transit and its implications for urban form, and its studies of remediated in-city interstate rights-of-way, but much of its group focus was upon regional issues of water, transportation and land use. This work, together with that of the 2011 studio, altogether constituted an important base of analyses and preliminary studies for what became the larger metropolitan and city proposals of Chicago 2109. In the second half of the semester students made individual city and town proposals for Wayne, Crystal Lake, Wheaton, South Chicago, Bronzeville, and neighborhoods on the North Branch and the South Branch of the Chicago River.
Metropolitan Chicago Transit
Metropolitan Chicago Transit

Metropolitan Chicago Vegetation and Water
Metropolitan Chicago Vegetation and Water

Regional Sector Plan
Regional Sector Plan

City Sector Plan
City Sector Plan

City Interstate Rights-of-Way to Parkways
City Interstate Rights-of-Way to Parkways